3 O’Clock Romance A Romantic Mural
Francis Sling’s 3’O Clock Romance was originally unveiled in 2017, but underwent renewal in 2023. This twenty by 6 meter mural brightens Scharloo, Curaçao and was possible through sponsorship from local various companies. Also his most recognized street art, 3 O’Clock Romance finished in second place in Street Art’s competition in 2020. Much like his other work, Sling wrote a poetic verse to describe this beautiful mural of a Kibrahacha tree and two birds:

This mural depict a Kibrahacha tree which only blooms its golden flowers after an extended period of drought.
“It was 3 o’clock. Two birds met on a branch. They fell in love. Romance blossomed and lasted until they had to fly back to their own nests. The next day, at around three o’clock, both wondered: Shall I fly back to the branch again? Maybe I’ll see the other one once more. We don’t know how the story ended. Such a romance can last a day, a week, a year, or forever… The most beautiful thing is that it’s real. That if the other is there again at 3 o’clock, you know for sure it’s special for you. Not because of ‘until death do us part’ promises, Not because we bought a house, a sofa, and a little pet together, The most beautiful thing is that they come for each other. And are happy with each other at that moment. Unconditionally.”

3 O’Clock Romance spans the entire façade of a building in an intricate design of blues and yellows.