LA PÊCHE MIRACULEUSE Reimagining Urban Art - Crimes of the Mind Murals



In 2011, French artist Liliwenn started a movement to push the boundaries of urban art. The movement was called “Crimes of the Mind.” It was inspired by Liliwenn’s passion for art and her desire to inform people about the importance and impact of art in public places.

One of the major works as part of “Crimes of the Mind” is called La Pêche Miraculeuse. In it, Liliwenn, along with artist Bom. K., envisioned a magical scene of a child’s dream about an enchanting sea voyage.

When enchanting art like this is created on buildings around the city, it has the power to turn a neighborhood into a modern, desirable place to live. This kind of public art makes the city a fun place to live and visit. Tourists want to stop by and explore the town to see all the different murals on the walls. Lilwenn’s Crimes of the Mind movement has helped to turn the city into an “artsy” place to live, and that’s a major draw for tourists who want to come for a visit and spend time in the city.

  • La Pêche Miraculeuse by Liliwenn and Bom. K is an enchanting and memorable mural with vibrant and beautiful colors.
    La Pêche Miraculeuse by Liliwenn and Bom. K is an enchanting and memorable mural that brightens the neighborhood with its beautiful colors.
  • A closeup look at La Pêche Miraculeuse by Liliwenn and Bom. K. This enchanting piece of art in public places draws in visitors and tourists, and it turns the city into a modern, hip place to live.
    A closeup look at La Pêche Miraculeuse by Liliwenn and Bom. K, showing the colorful details that makes this art in public places so enchanting