URBAN CAKES Colorful Fun at Random for the Cityscape
In 2013 Italy’s three-dimensional artistic gurus, UrbanSolid, decided to reinvent ordinary cement fixtures throughout the city of Milan. It is unclear as to what exactly inspired the delectable public art installations. Perhaps one of the artists in UrbanSolid was hungry, and the idea came with the daydream of a delicious lunch. Or perhaps the rudimentary shape of a cement parking barrier simply reminded a member of UrbanSolid of a muffin. Whatever the source of the inspiration, it lead to a series of muffins and cakes appearing at random across the city of Milan.
As with all UrbanSolid projects, the Urban Cakes spontaneously present themselves to the citizens of Milan in random locations. Also characteristic of Urban’s style is that the installations are fully accessible to the public for exploration. The art encourages passersby to stop and ponder the world around them for a moment, and maybe even reach right out and touch something unique and unusual. From blueberry muffin to strawberry cupcake, the brightly colored adaptations to the cement mundane of the city delights children and transports adults to a place of childhood wonderment – if only for moment.