Planning and layout design services for residential and commercial spaces.
For the world of the future, “smart” may not be enough. SM-ART is our proposal: a cross pollination of art and cutting-edge technologies impacting on the planning and layout design of residential buildings and/or commercial spaces, like parking lots, malls, parks, outdoor spaces, office spaces mixed-use buildings. With SM-ART we design Art Installations that increase the value of those projects, with environmentally or ecologically friendly, sustainable, and energy efficient technologies and practices.
This brings a better quality of life. Artwork can transform the way we live in our cities by making them more human-centered, driven by sentiment and beauty.
Everyone deserves access to artwork that is appealing, empowering, and unforgettable. SM-ART allows any location to experience an enhanced version of everyday life.
Vito Di Bari, an expert in innovation, an artist, and founder of SM-ART, was inspired to create a line of services across industries that would add fascination and economic value to communities anywhere.
He states:
“I was originally working on an algorithm proving that nanotechnology and arts have a common ground in addressing the issues of sensory perception of values and reality, then I decided to try to put it in relation with The Fourth Pillar of Sustainable Development Theory and see what kind of effects a fusion of arts and advanced technology generate to benefit people’s quality of life.
Ten statements came out of these reflections, SM-ART was born.”
What is SM-ART?
Planning and layout design services for residential and commercial projects spaces, namely residential buildings, parking lots, malls, parks, outdoor spaces, office spaces mixed-use buildings, by design of art installations that increase the value of those projects with environmentally or ecologically friendly, sustainable, and energy efficient technologies and practices.
Imagine buildings, events, businesses—even entire cities—upgraded with visual experiences that will create a sense of place, produce excitement, attract visitors, and facilitate surrounding development. Our signature SM-ART projects offer any location (parks, hotels, towns, and more) sustainable and dignified artworks.
Take a deeper look into what we envision for the SM-ART future of the main industries in which we work:
SM-ART Curatorship
SM-ART curatorship is the perfect opportunity to involve us in the planning and layout design of your residential or commercial space, and enhance business through Art and Technology; our team will create customized public art that reflects Vito’s vision for the cities of the future.